-never been romanced like this before.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

boyfriend, thank you for the little things you do that show you care.


when you called me on both days to ask how i was feeling
when you update me on nicol david's matches
when you take the east west line with me home, even though its a bit further and you're really tired.
when you rub my face or pat my cheek
when you always make sure the seat is clean before we sit down
when you always make sure we go for a meal when i'm hungry (although thats quite seldom)
when you never fail to try to accompany me on errands
when you help me finish my food everytime i cant
when you let me sleep on ur shoulder whenever i feel like it

you dont need to buy gifts or extravagant stuff, because its these little things that matter to me. they tell me how much i mean to you, and i hope you know that you matter so much to me. although we might not say it enough, but actions always speak louder than words.

thank you for giving me so much, and for loving me so much more.


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